Monday, September 10, 2007


Sometimes, I think God has a sense of humor.

I and a bunch of friends have very recently become obsessed/addicted to the TV show "Heroes". We have seriously devoted about 16 hours this past weekend to watching the first season at the risk of not completing homework and a Job research paper that was due today. (Don't worry, I finished it and turned it in on time)

Every day, we students are required to go to chapel from 11 o'clock am to 11:20. Chapel usually consists of a few worship songs and then a speaker will talk for about 15 minutes.
So, what did the speaker mention today? Yes, that is right: Heroes. "Save the cheerleader. Save the world." He used that as a springboard to show how helping/saving one person's life can make a difference for the world.

Needless to say, I was very amused.


Hansonius said...

Where did you end up going to college, Rach-O Swindler-O?

Rach-o said...

I went to Oklahoma Christian. Apparently their engineering program is very good. It's too bad I never planned to go into engineering.

Unknown said...


"Save the indigenous mexican farmer... save the world"